Saving your important Hemlock trees from HWA


Helping Land Owners throughout Nova Scotia save Hemlock trees for future generations

The NS Tree Preservation Co. was founded by Scott Robinson in 2018. Scott is a Licensed Arborist and Pesticide Applicator with over 30 years of experience consulting on trees with landowners and controlling invasive tree pests. In 2019, he became the first in Nova Scotia to treat any hemlock for HWA using IMA-Jet. Since then, Scott has treated thousands of trees for hundreds of homeowners and cottage clients in Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Shelburne, Queens, Lunenburg, and Halifax counties.

In 2021, along with Dr. George Kovacs (Dalhousie), Scott co-founded the Sporting Lake project, which raised more than $125,000 to inoculate all the old-growth hemlocks on an island the Tobeatic Wilderness Area (CBC, Saltscapes Magazine, LighthouseNow). In 2022, NS Tree Preservation was awarded a contract to treat old-growth hemlock trees at Dennis Boot Lake in Kejimikujik National Park.

Click here to book a consultation.

Each consultation is different and desired outcomes vary - we work with you to provide you with options and help make resources accessible, connecting you to current research, ecological practices, and pest management solutions.

Scott is an experienced arborist holding a pesticide handlers license and has years of consulting with land owners, working to achieve their goals and provide expert consultation.

Each consultation is different and desired outcomes vary - we work with you to provide you with options and help make resources accessible. Connecting you to current research, ecological practices, and pest management solutions.

“Nova Scotia Tree Preservation treated my trees in August of 2021. All the HWA appears to be dead. The trees look great.”

— Gary Marshall, Sissiboo Road, Digby County