Consultation and property assessments to help you plan and protect your woodlands - offering a range of options and price points.
There are multiple products currently available in Canada that are registered for use against HWA. These are:
IMA-jet by Arborjet
Active ingredient is imidacloprid
TreeAzin by Bioforest
Active ingredient is produced from Neem tree seed extract
Xytect 2F by Rainbow Ecoscience
Active ingredient is imidacloprid
Starkle 200 SG by Belchim Canada
Active ingredient is Dinotefuran
IMA-Jet Insecticide Injection
Protect each individual tree by using IMA-Jet (imidacloprid) from Arborjet - a micro-injectable systemic insecticide. The costs for application are applied by tallying trees to be treated and their size. Tree size is measured by sizing the diameter at breast height (DBH) giving you the number of injection sites required. Each tree is marked with a unique identification tag and registered on a GPS map.
Imidacloprid is in the neonicotinoid class of insecticides and acts as a neurotoxin to insects. Although imidacloprid is highly toxic to insects, it has a low toxicity to vertebrates (mammals, birds and fish). It is often used as the active ingredient in tick and flea treatments.
IMA-Jet is injected directly into the tree, creating a closed pesticide system. It takes up to one year to control HWA, and is effective when trees still have 65% crown closure. This treatment is not a cure against HWA and will need to be reapplied or paired with additional management practices focused on diversification of woodlots. There are various studies assessing how long the stem injections are effective in trees, estimated between 4-7 years- repeating injections every four years is advised.
To begin determining whether this treatment is suitable for your trees, use this decision-making key developed by the Medway Community Forest Cooperative.
In the US insecticide injections have been the most successful short-term method for protecting high-value hemlock trees and slowing the spread of HWA. Chemical treatments to save trees may take as long as two years to translocate to the tree canopy where it becomes effective against HWA. Stem injection is the only method currently permitted in Canada. Direct, systemic injection into trees greatly decreases environmental exposure to the chemical as well as total product amounts required.
Other Services
Xytect 2F (imidacloprid) and Starkle 200 SG (Dinotefuran) can be applied by basal spray. These pesticides are sprayed onto the bark of the tree from ground level to a height of 5 feet. Xytect 2F takes 1 year to start working and treatment lasts for up to 7 years. Starkle 200SG takes 2 weeks to start working and treatment lasts for 1 year. Both of these products are typically used on large properties. A consultation and tree assessment will determine the best application method. Specialized software will then be used to ensure the appropriate amount of pesticide per hectare is not exceeded.
Book a Consultation
Tell us what your management goals are and we’ll assess your property - providing you with a plan and quote. A representative will contact you to discuss the cost of the consultation.